Full Stop


Kanishq Banka
Drunken Dostoevsky


Photo by Jenny Marvin on Unsplash

A circle is an enticing entity. It is the optimum shape. Nature testifies this. An atom, a molecule, a raindrop, a planet, a star, and probably, also the ever-expanding universe. Life originates from a circle. One might want to bring in time and make it a depressing circle, but time is of human origin, it is cyclical, a concept born and dependent on our ability to conceptualize.

This circle of origin is a clock restricted to twenty-four unfortunate hours, for eternity. The cyclical nature of the moon and seasons could have given rise to the perception of the cyclical nature of things in general, and hence, time rose to the fore. We were cavemen. Caves were practical for protection, and in a certain sense, this caveman mentality is inherent to us. We like to live in our little bubbles and cages. Square and rectangular multi-storey buildings with shiny glasses on the exterior and maybe a dollop of adventurous shape mutations with occasional triangles and cylinders and cones and whatnots, but in them, we inhabit the cubicles we carve and personalize.

In these boxes, we have more boxes. Our television, laptops, and phones. A box to glimpse at the wideness but keeping it restrictive. We have boxed air conditioners to restrict the heat. Boxed heaters to restrict the cold. Inside the barred windows, there are potted plants. Circular pots, that only allow restrictive growth of plants. Chained pets with restricted space to run around. Birds, in a cage. Forests, caged in parks. Wildlife, caged in sanctuaries. Rivers, caged in damns. Gods, caged in churches. Love, caged in rings. Humanity, caged in differences. Understanding, caged in words. Existence, caged in survival.

Our reality is restricted in boxes of our perception and the attempts to have a cyclical pattern of existence is an anomaly. Each individual incorporates a unique world, a single line and point amongst the millions which make the circle. We are not meant to be boxed. We are part of a living and expanding circularity where ends do not meet. It has one end hooked to the origin of life at birth and the other, unfurling and unfolding towards infinity. A circular unfolding of life, to discover our own universe and to find a match with the stardust that our cells carry.

And as you go through these linear lines caged in the box of your screen, you will blink your eyes (a complicated circle in itself) when you stop at the dot that follows this sentence, not a box, but an opaque dot, a full stop, a circle.

